Monday, September 15, 2008

Profile of 1st Lady Tillman

1st Lady Dionne Tillman on Forgiveness

Do you hold onto hatred, bitterness, envy, competition or strife? If you answered yes then you may be harboring un-forgiveness. 1st Lady Dionne Tillman (a Pastor’s wife) attributes un-forgiveness as a trick of the devil that has entrapped or enslaved many people, Christians alike. He’s very cunning at convincing us to concentrate on the person (the who) that offended, hurt, lied, deceive, or betrayed us.

1st Lady is an extraordinary woman. Ever since I can remember this woman has encouraged me to forgive. It’s as if she could see right through me. We hadn’t had discussions about my life; she only had the opportunity to watch me interacting at church. I’ve seen her face adversities in her life from the outside and never seen her sweat. Rumors (of her husband’s infidelity) where swerving above and she looked like a ray of sunshine gleaming across a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end. To others she may have looked differently, but having talked to 1st Lady about forgiveness brings the realty of that pot of gold.

In her opinion, “forgiveness ranks a close second to this commandment (My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12{NIV})”. She says, “Forgiveness requires an act of love coupled with mercy. Forgiveness, love and mercy are directly related and cannot be separated. She advises all to pray and study God’s word to be released from the prison of un-forgiveness.

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